Visitor Information- COVID-19

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Visitor Information – COVID-19
June 8,  2021

I am pleased to share that visitation is going well at Lee Health & Rehab Center. We have received questions regarding why we request information about visitor vaccination status as part of our screening process, and whether or not this violates an individual’s rights. It does not violate any rights or laws to ask a visitor about their vaccination status. This information assists us in adequately preparing for your visit since vaccination status will impact visit location and required PPE under federal and state infection control protocols that we must follow. If an individual chooses not to disclose their vaccination status, it will be assumed that the individual has not been vaccinated, and they will be required to wear a face mask while in the Center at all times in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for nursing facilities. When a patient and their visitors have been vaccinated, all are able to remove their face masks during an indoor visit when conducted in a private location.

I would like to remind you of the following important information and ask that you read, follow and save for future reference.

Visitors may not visit if any of the following conditions apply:

  • visitor has had close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period) with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the prior 14 days
  • visitor is observed to have symptoms of COVID-19 or reports having symptoms

(symptoms include: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea)

  • visitor has a fever of 100.0 OF or higher or reports feeling feverish
  • visitor is under current evaluation for COVID-19, such as awaiting a test results due to exposure or close contact to a person with COVID-19
  • visitor has had a diagnosis of COVID-19 in the prior 10 days

Visitors should inform the Center if they develop a fever or other symptom consistent with COVID-19 within 14 days of visiting the Center.

Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention that visitors must follow during each visit:

  • screening for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, including temperature check
  • practice hand hygiene, preferably using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • face masks must be worn inside the Center at all times unless the patient and visitor have both been vaccinated and are visiting in a private location
  • maintain physical distancing of a minimum of 6 feet, unless the patient has been fully vaccinated and wishes to have close contact with a visitor whether vaccinated or unvaccinated
  • maintain physical distancing from all other patients, staff and visitors at all times
  • visits will be limited to 30 minutes in duration
  • the Center cannot accommodate visits by children under 12 years old at this time

Visitors will be made aware of any current COVID-19 risks in the Center with signs posted to notify you of any COVID-19 positive designated area. CMS recommends outdoor visitation as it poses a lower risk of transmission of COVID-19 due to increased space and airflow. There are no restrictions on indoor compassionate care visits regardless of the Center’s outbreak status or the patient’s COVID-19 status.

The following conditions require temporary restriction of indoor visitation:

  • patients who have not been fully vaccinated when the community positivity rate is above 10% and less than 70% of the Center’s patients have been vaccinated
  • patients who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 (regardless of vaccination status) until transmission-based precautions can be safely discontinued per CDC guidance.
  • patients in quarantine (regardless of vaccination status) until transmission-based precautions can be safely discontinued per CDC guidance.
  • Center is in the initial testing phase of outbreak status

The Center will provide notifications to families advising of any temporary restrictions to visitation. Should visitation be temporarily restricted, other forms of visitation such as virtual or outdoor will be offered.

Safety is a high priority, and we need your help in maintaining a safe environment for our patients, staff and visitors.

**Center policies on visitation during COVID-19 are based on CMS and CDC direction and guidance required to be followed under state and federal law and the capabilities of center staff. **

As always, please contact me with any questions that you have.


Ashley Jones, BSN, RN, LNHA